arabic food recipes in englisharabic rice recipes in englisharab rice with pumpkin crispy recipe

arab rice with pumpkin crispy recipe
By: Maryam Mohammed
Recipe date: 26/07/2023

pumpkin rice krispie treats
the Iraqi influence over this crusty pumpkin rices .
I used butternut squash because it is less watery than pumpkin when cooked, plus all the pumpkins are good for the non-physiological sicknesses of the heart.
In our beloved Prophet's (ص) Sunna, pumpkin is prescribed to heavy hearts, sad hearts, and sick hearts.
Pumpkin stew was actually one of our beloved Mohammed's (ص) favorite foods.
arab rice with pumpkin crispy ingredients :
2 cups Basmati rice
3 tsp salt
10 cups water
1 small butternut squash
2 Tbsp oil
2 Tbsp butter
pinch cinnamon
How make arab rice with pumpkin crispy :
Bring a pot of salted water to a boil (same as cooking pasta) and boil your rinsed rice for 7 minutes.
Drain the lot and let the rice sit in the strainer while preparing the following.

Peel and cut the butternut squash into 1/4 inch rounds.

In the same pot you boiled the rice in, heat the oil over med-high heat and place the butternut squash rounds to cover the base and bring to a sizzle.

Return the rice to the pot over the butternut squash without compressing it.

bring the heat down to low,
and let steam for 45 minutes.
To serve, flip the pot on your serving dish with the unbelievably chewey, caramelized, golden butternut squash rounds on top surrounded by the crispy crunchy rice.

Bon appetit