emirati brown stew chicken recipe
By: frooha uae
Recipe date: 07/04/2015
how to make easy emirati brown stew chicken recipe step by step with pictures
2 medium-sized chicken, washed well with water and salt, and chopped quarters
Vegetables: potatoes cut into slices + onions cut into slices + pepper cut into slices + tomatoes cut into slices
Spices: salt + black pepper + Red Pepper + dye for food + garlic + two tablespoons of yogurt + lemon juice + tomato paste
Season chicken with spices + yogurt + garlic + lemon + tomato paste
Mix well and put in refrigerator for an hour
Ingredients for broth
2 onions cut into small cubes + tomato juice + tomato paste + garlic + leaf Curry beta + green peppers + cube of Maggie + spices + oil + salt + tablespoon of yogurt +thawed2 tbsp of flour in a cup of water
Fry onion and pepper in oil until it browns
Put the garlic and fry till the smell wafting
Put the spices, salt and Maggie according to taste
And leaves till onions are imbued
Add two tablespoons of yogurt and mix it well
1Spoon of tomato paste
And fry till the mixture harmony
Add tomato juice and leave it over low heat for a little bit
Add the curry leaves
Add the cup of water which added to it flour till the mixture thickens
And leave it on a low heat for ten minutes
Put the chicken pieces in the pyrex
Put vegetables pieces over the chicken
Put the broth on chickens and vegetables
Pyrex well covered with tin
And put it in preheated oven from the bottom for an hour and a half
Lift the tin and grill the chicken from the top