easy homemade lemon mint cheesecake recipe
By: frooha uae
Recipe date: 06/06/2015
how to make best easy homemade lemon mint cheesecake recipe in english step by step with pictures
The basis: Two packets of biscuits ,crunched + a teaspoon of cinnamon + a box of cream
Cheesecake: three fourths a cup of cream whipping +3 tablespoons of sugar powder + a box of cream +300 grams of Philadelphia cheese + half a packet of Green Lemon Jelly + half cup of boiling water + a tablespoon of mint flavor + a teaspoon of gelatin dissolved in a cup of boiling water
the base Knead ingredients together
Then put the base mixture in molds as in the picture
Mix the sugar and cream until it doubles in size
Put in the refrigerator to cool
whisk cheese and cream until the mixture becomes creamy
Mix jelly and mint flavor and boiling water and gelatin
and add it to the mixture with continuing whipping
add cheese mixture on cream mixture in stages with continuing whipping
Distribute the mixture on the biscuits layer
Put the molds in the refrigerator for a full night
when serving cheesecake adorned with caramel