easy vegetables with fish fillet recipe
By: frooha uae
Recipe date: 29/05/2015
how to make best homemade cooking easy vegetables with fish fillet recipe step by step with pictures
fish fillets with vegetables Ingredients
Fish fillet cut into medium-sized pieces + vegetables mixed (zucchini - carrots - Capsicum - sliced lemon - sliced onions - clove garlic, minced) + olive oil + 2 piece of butter + salt + black pepper + ginger powder + dry coriander+ pinch of Fishoregano + 2 tablespoon of tomato sauce + a cup of soy sauce
Put vegetables in a Tefal pan and fry it with small amount of oil and butter
Season vegetables with salt and black pepper
Put garlic in a second frying pan and fry it with butter
Then add the fish and stir it on fire with garlic
Season the fish with ginger and black pepper, salt and pinch of fish oregano and coriander
Then add 2 spoonful of sauce and soy sauce and stir it on fire for a little bit
add fish to the vegetables and stir the mixture on fire for a little bit