arabic food recipes in englisharabic vegetable recipeseasy chinese rice recipe with vegetables recipe

easy chinese rice recipe with vegetables recipe
By: frooha uae
Recipe date: 28/05/2015

chinese rice Ingredients
rice washed and soaked with water + mixed vegetables cut into small cubes + green onions cut into rings + sliced garlic + canned mushroom + shrimps small size + soy sauce + Chinese salt + mixed spices

Cook the rice to become three quarters cooked and then drain oil

Fry the onion and garlic

Then Add the shrimp and stir it on the fire until its succulents dry

Then vegetables and mushrooms and stir the mixture on low fire

Then spices and soy sauce and stir the mixture

Then add the rice to the mixture and stir it for a little bit

And in the last add spring onion