baked fish with vegetables recipe
By: frooha uae
Recipe date: 28/05/2015
how to make best homemade cooking easy baked fish with vegetables recipe step by step with pictures
Vegetables, cut into rings: carrots + potatoes + lemon without crust + Capsicum
Spices (black pepper + latency + red Capsicum + Salt + Ginger + turmeric)
4 tomatoes grated and mixed with 3 tablespoon of tomato paste + tinted food + grated garlic + olive oil + a quarter cup of lemon juice + chopped coriander + minced parsley + Kanad fish
Put the fish in a bowl and mix with olive oil and parsley, coriander, garlic, spices and lemon juice
Put the carrots in a Pyrex
Then the fish and the mixture
Then put the tomatoes
And potato slices
And a layer of Capsicum
And a layer of lemon and tomato
cover the Pyrex tin
Put the fish in an oven until the fish is cooked for about an hour