easy pasta spiral recipe
By: frooha uae
Recipe date: 26/05/2015
how to make best homemade easy pasta spiral recipe step by step with pictures
pasta Ingredients
Chicken according to the family number cut into pieces, then season and fry with oil and then filtered of oil + onion cut into cubes +4 tomatoes boiled and peeled then squeezed by hand + carrot cut into rings + hot pepper according to taste + tomato paste + 2 clove of of garlic + mixed spices + salt + black pepper + red peppers + lemon powder + turmeric + a cube of Maggie + olive oil + water + Pasta according to taste
Fry onions, carrots, peppers and garlic and potatoes in a pot
Then add the tomato sauce and tomato paste and stir the mixture on fire
Then add chicken and spices and Maggie and salt to taste and stir the mixture on fire
Then add the water and leave the mixture on the fire to boil
Then add the pasta and leave the mixture on the fire, stirring from time to time
When serving pasta sprinkle on it cheddar cheese