arabic food recipes in englisharabic pasta recipeseasy pasta with pink sauce recipe
easy pasta with pink sauce recipe
By: frooha uae
Recipe date: 25/05/2015
pasta Ingredients
Pasta + chicken breast cubes cut into + olive oil + 3 cloves of garlic + 2 minced onions + a can of tomato haunts sauce + cup of whipping cream + butter + salt + black pepper + marinara sauce with Plum tomatoes + parsley + basil + Parmesan cheese + spices cajun seaoning
Add a tablespoon of butter and olive oil to the pan
Add the chicken strips and stir until they become white in color
Add the spices, salt and black pepper and leave the mixture on the fire until �it is cooked
Remove chickens and leave it on the side
Fry the onions in the same frying pan
Then add the garlic and stir on the fire
Then add the tomato sauce and stir the mixture
Then add the whipping cream and stir the mixture
Then add the chicken pieces and stir the mixture well
Boil the pasta in water, salt and oil until is cooked
Add the pasta to sauce and add salt as desired
Stir pasta with the sauce well
Put the pasta in a serving dish and sprinkle with cheese on the face