arabic food recipes in englisharabic pasta recipesspaghetti noodle chinese recipe

spaghetti noodle chinese recipe
By: frooha uae
Recipe date: 25/05/2015

pasta noodles Ingredients
500 grams of meat slices + half a cup of starch +4 garlic cloves, crushed + 2 tablespoons of sesame oil + a teaspoon of grated ginger +1 cup of corn oil + 2 green onions sliced + a quarter cup of hot sauce +1 cup of water + half a cup of soy sauce + a quarter cup of fish sauce + a quarter cup of brown sugar + mixed vegetables to taste + Chinese noodles +1 tablespoon of toasted sesame seeds

Season steaks with starch

Fry the steaks with a little sesame oil and corn oil

Drain the meat of oil

Then add the garlic, ginger and roast the mixture

Then add the soy sauce, fish sauce and hot sauce

Then add the brown sugar and stir the mixture on fire

Then add a cup of water and leave it until the mixture boil

Then add the vegetables and stir until vegetables tender

Then add the noodles to the water and leave it from 3 to 4 minutes

until sauce thickens

Drain the noodles

Then put the noodles in a serving dish