indian ramadan iftar meat samosa recipe
By: frooha uae
Recipe date: 18/05/2015
how to make best easy homemade indian ramadan iftar meat samosa recipe step by step with pictures
indian samosa Ingredients
Dough: 2 cup of sifted flour + ï؟½ cup of olive oil + pinch of salt +1 teaspoon of cumin grains + half a teaspoon of crushed red pepper + a quarter cup of chopped green coriander + Paprika + Water
Meat: minced meat + two onions cut into small cubes + 2 grated garlic + 2 tomatoes cut into small cubes + curry leaves + a can of green peas drain of water + crunched Curry+ salt
Knead the dough ingredients by adding water gradually until you get a cohesive dough
Put the dough in a bowl and leave it for half an hour
Fry onion in a small amount of oil until it tenders
Add the meat And stirit until it becomes white and dry from water
Put spices and curry leaves, garlic and salt to taste and then stir the meat
Then add the tomatoes and stir it until it tenders
Then put the peas And stir the mixture for five minutes, then remove from the heat and leave the mixture to cool down
Cut the dough into equal balls
Knead the ball of dough on a floured surface
Put the dough on the samosas cutterand put above it the meat filling
Put water on the edge of the dough and then close the cutter
Put samosas on a floured surface for 5 minutes
Heat a large amount of oil and fry the samosas
Then put the samosas in a colander or on paper absorbent for oil