ramadan vegetarian samosa recipe
By: frooha uae
Recipe date: 13/05/2015
how to make best easy homemade ramadan vegetarian samosa recipe step by step with images
vegetarian samosa Ingredients :
Dough: 2 cups of flour White + ï؟½ cup of flour Black + a spoon of sugar + pinch of salt +2 large spoon of oil + water
Filling: 1 onion cut into cubes +2 garlic cloves, crushed +1 potato cut into small cubes + frozen mixed vegetables + turmeric + latency + black pepper + Curry + Red Hot peppers + dry coriander
Knead the flour, salt, sugar and oil
Add water gradually until we get a dough hold together
Put the dough in a bowl and leave it for half an hour
Fry onions, garlic and potatoes in a small amount of oil
Add the spices and mixed vegetables and then fry the mixture over low heat
Then remove the mixture from the heat and leave it to cool down
Knead the dough lengthwise on a floured surface
The mixture distributed spaced and water is used to paste the dough
Then cover with the other dough then cutit with cutter, or as desired
Put pressure on the parts with a fork
Heat a large amount of oil and fry the samosas until it is cooked
Put samosas in the refinery or oil absorbent paper