khoresht bamieh - persian okra stew recipe
By: frooha uae
Recipe date: 11/05/2015
how to make best easy homemade khoresht bamieh - persian okra stew recipe step by step with images
Ingredients persian okra stew :
Boneless meat cubes into cut + onion cut into small cubes + 5 cloves garlic, grated + fried okra , filtered from oil + tomato sauce + a cube of Maggie + black pepper + Curium + peppers red + salt + oil + 4 cups of hot water
Fry onion in oil until it tender
Then add the meat and fry the mixture until it takes the red color
Then add the garlic and fry the mixture
Then add the spices, Maggie and the sauce and fry the mixture
Pour the water and leave the mixture over low heat until the the sauce thickens and the meat is cooked
Add the okra And leave the mixture to boil for five minutes and then turn off fire