bahraini chicken vegetables oven recipe
By: frooha uae
Recipe date: 03/04/2015
how to cooking easy bahraini baked chicken and vegetables in the oven recipe step by step with pictures
Ingredients of
2 chicken well washed + onion quarters + cloves garlic, sliced + lemon cut into slices + salt + black bell pepper + cumin + dry coriander+ turmeric + Curry + saffron powder + tbsp of white vinegar +2 tbsp of olive oil + sprinkle of salt + coriander + parsley + rosemary + potatoes + zucchini + carrots + cauliflower + Broccoli + beans + bell pepper + hot peppers + a quarter cup of water thawed in it 2 cubes of Maggie
Mix salt, turmeric, black pepper, saffron, cumin, curry And dry coriander
Season the chicken inside and out and stuffed with onions, garlic, coriander, rosemary, parsley and lemon
Then put the vegetables in the tray
Add on the spices olive oil and Maggie Sauce then mix them well
And distributes the sauce on the chicken and vegetables
and put it in the oven until it is cooked