recipe name : texas cheese fries recipe step by step with pictures . add by : frooha uae . recipe date : 22/03/2015.
how to cooking easy homemade texas cheese fries recipe step by step with pictures
Minced meat + onion, cut into small cubes + garlic cloves, grated + spices taco + oil + pinch of black pepper + fried potatoes + salt according to taste + cheese Motzarila + Ready cheeder + pieces Hlapino
Mix in a blender: 2 tomatoes, peeled and cut beads + a quarter of a grain of cool green peppers + tbsp coriander +2 cubic Maggie +3 tablespoons tomato paste + 2 tablespoons ketchup
Fry diced onion and grated garlic in oil
Then add the minced meat and fry it until liquid dry
Add taco spices and black pepper andstir it for minutes
Then add the mixture, which was mix in blender and left to hold together a little
Put fried potatoes in a serving dish and sprinkle with salt as desired
Put the hot minced meat on it
And sprinkle on it Motzerala and cheddar cheese
And put Alhlapino pieces